Terror, weapon of the cowards and the fanatics, assaults us more and more often. We learn to live with it or we “fold on ourselves”, we give up our liberties for an illusion of safety or we fight the enemy to defend our liberties, Liberty.

Against terrorism our weapons are our free acts, our free will, education, culture and also, let’s not deny it, warfare weapons, though these should not be the first priority as they are now.

Despite the difficulty of such task, our armies have to target terrorists and their armies while preserving civilians. As easy to say and obvious as it is, it should not let us ignore how complex reality is.

As a matter of fact, one of the cause of many disastrous interventions by democratic states is the voluntary simplification, the unwillingness to embrace the complexity of the situation of each country, each conflict.

The documentation by the BBC, “Hypernormalisation”, shows clearly, for example, how the USA chose to instrumentalize Lybia, to choose it as enemy to avoid to confront the complexity of Hafez al-Assad Syria even though it was the instigator of many terrorist actions.

Everywhere in the world, security forces, spy agencies et anti-terrorist units

Partout dans le monde, les services de sécurité, d’espionnage et d’anti-terrorisme s’efforcent de préserver la sécurité de leurs populations. Dans le même temps, combien d’interventions par ces mêmes pays pour soutenir, armer, financer l’une ou l’autre des parties ?

L’histoire nous montre que modifier les paramètres d’une situation géopolitique que l’on ne maîtrise pas est au mieux hasardeux.

Comment pousser nos gouvernements a redéfinir au plus vite leur approche de la géopolitique ?

Comment mettre l’égalité homme-femme et la culture au centre de la solution, de nos sociétés ?