aka Question of the day to my youngest daughter. Or, when I’m trying to understand how she spends a lot of her free time…

El.: “In Minecraft, I can do whatever I want. I can do a lot of things that I cannot do yet in real-life, like driving a car, and also many other things that are not possible or allowed in the real world.”

How do you build something?

She shows me, at amazing speed, who you build a bow and arrows: picking up the right ingredients and using a “craft table” to summon the object to life in Minecraft.

How many objects do you know how to build by heart?

El.: “All of them”

[There a dozens of objects listed in multiple categories]

Me: “You mean, you’ve memorized all these combinations of ingredients?!…”

El.: “Yep.”

Practice makes perfection

Then she gives me a tour of her current world-in-progress, using all controls available to move inside the world on an iPad. Again I’m amazed by her mastery of the interface. I guess practice makes perfection.

I tell her “Wow, I see that when you practice something a lot you become an expert/really good at it. Imagine you do the same with let’s say Guitar playing.”. To which she answers unequivocally: “Yeah I know but I don’t want to!” [I say to myself that’s “knowing what you want” :-)]